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At the end of World War II the Sonoma Valley Athletic Club began plans for a new athletic field in the town of Sonoma. In 1949 the Sonoma Veteran’s Memorial site was chosen to host the new field. Fundraising events and friendship bond sales raised $25,000.


In July,1950 work parties began to prepare the site: rocks were removed and the site graded. In August of 1951, the new steel light posts were raised over the field. On August 9 1952, 800 people attended the dedication of the new Arnold Field.

Left: Arnold Field 1952

In April, 1950 the Sonoma City Council approved a motion to name the new athletic field after General Henry Arnold.


The children and I would like to express our deep appreciation to the members of the Sonoma Valley Athletic Club and the veterans of the Sonoma Valley for the great honor they have brought us in the naming of the athletic field the "Hap Arnold Athletic Field" in memory of General Arnold. Nothing could have pleased us more than this tribute from his fellow citizens. Kindly convey out thanks to the members of the Club. Sincerely,

Eleanor P. Arnold, May 1950

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Arnold Field Friendship Bond

The Sonoma Valley Athletic Club has sponsored and hosted youth softball, baseball, football, and soccer for over 75 years. Today it maintains Arnold Field and provides volunteer coaches to local organizations. Arnold Field proudly hosts Sonoma Valley High School football and baseball, Sonoma Valley Babe Ruth baseball, and the Sonoma Stompers


The Sonoma Valley Athletic Corp is a non-profit, volunteer organization.

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Right: 1964 Financial Statement

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